• Optical sorter ASM QUASAR

    The Intelligent optical sorter

    The ever stringent quality standards are creating new technical challenges for big and small businesses alike. Helping our customers to increase final quality has been the main drive behind the development of ASM’s sorting technology and lead to the creation of an entirely new optical sorting machine, designed specifically to meet the new challenges in quality control: the ASM QUASAR..

  • Optické třídiče řady VISION

    Proven performance and great flexibility

    The Vision is a proven and versatile optical sorter. Available in several configurations, including Full-Color, Tri-Chromatic and Multi-Spectral,
    and with a wide range of options.
    Customers can focus on what they really need and tailor the machine to their precise requirements, saving on options and components they wouldn’t use.
    With more than 600 machines in operation all around the world, and constant upgrades, Vision sorters are a solid and proven choice for more than 100 different applications.


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